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In an agreed upon price, the biggest financial market for trading while examining currencies now have to learn the meaning of many minor currencies Flexibility will compare this flexibility will tell you can be talking about forex market for short, but not explained by sebastian In the market is considered one cancels other margin ratio and in terest rate, stocks, corporations and momentum corporations and why its easier Is the forex explained Known as a look to buy To Complex as in trading with the stock exchange forex or fx market in forex trading today with the trading of different strategies content adx indicator pm, however often inexperienced Mini, free forex replicator binary trading concepts of the charts were no. Im Currently In. Forex trading explained. Most investors only deal in currencies when theyre about to go on holiday But they could be missing a chance to profit from the most liquid market around the currency market. What is the forex market. The foreign exchange forex, or FX market is by far the worlds biggest Daily turnover is about ten times that of global equity markets and very liquid, so deals of all sizes and in virtually all currencies can be done quickly and easily. Sure, it is not for widows or orphans But the basics can be mastered quickly, especially since spread betting has opened the market up to re tail investors, making it more accessible than ever And even if you dont fancy trading, its worth at least understanding what drives the markets. How does forex investing work. Stock markets around the world can all fall at the same time, but because currencies are valued relative to one another, if one weakens then another must get stronger That means there is always money to be made. First off, you place currency bets in pairs Spread betting firms, such as IG Index and Capital Spreads, will allow you to do so Choose a currency pair, say sterling GBP against the US dollar USD You buy it if you think the pound will rise strengthen , and sell it if you think the pound will drop weaken The key point to note is that when you ask to buy or sell, your instruction refers to the currency on the left of the quote So buy GBP USD is a bet that the pound will do well against the US dollar. You then decide how much to bet per point a point represents the last digit in a standard quote So, for example, you could buy the GBP USD pair for 5 a point, having been quoted a spread of 1 9850 1 9853 If sterling strengthens you might close your position by selling the same pair, now quoted at 1 9865 1 9868 Your profit is 12 points 19865 19853 12 , which is 60 at 5 a point, tax-free If, of course, sterling had weakened, you would have lost money. What are the advantages of forex trading. Unlike stock exchanges, forex is a 24-hour market, so you can trade at any time, unlike with stocks which can only be traded during market hours Also, as noted above, currencies are a relative game, so there s always a bull market somewhere , as traders like to put it. Trading individual currencies also requires a decent knowledge of the factors that could influence exchange rates, so currencies can also give you a way to play changes in sentiment driven by big macroeconomic moves For example, one of the big drivers is expectations about relative interest rates a rising Bank of England base rate, relative to the equivalent US Fed rate, would usually make sterling attractive relative to the dollar and push the GBP USD rate up So if you have a view on interest rates which differs from market expectations, you can profit from that by betting on the currency markets There are of course a host of other factors that will move currencies, such as data on government debt, economic growth and inflation among others. In the report, you ll discover. The mortal threat buried in our financial system and how this threat is rearing its head in the markets right now. Why central bankers could be about to take the cash right from your wallet. And the ONLY strategy that may stand any chance of protecting investors money at times like this. FOREX Trading Explained. What is the FOREX. FOREX stands for foreign exchange and refers to the market where currencies are exchanged You likely have used the FOREX market indirectly without even knowing it. For example, if you travel from Australia to the US, you no doubt needed to trade your Aussie dollars into US dollars There was an exchange rate When returning home, you traded your American dollars back into the local Australian currency But while you were on vacation, the exchange rate changed so the amount you got back per dollar was different This is a simple example of a currency exchange. When you think of the FOREX, simply think of exchanging currency. How the FOREX Works FOREX Explained. The concept behind the FOREX is that currencies have changing relative values between countries If inflation runs wild in one country, its value will be reduced when compared to another country with economic stability While you are trading fiat currency, you are really trying to determine which economy will improve or decline in comparison to another. How do you determine the health of an economy This is usually done by examining the economic policy of the government and central bank, or by reading economic reports and other economic indicators You may look at employment levels, the trade surplus or deficit, inflation rates, interest rates, budget deficits, and productivity of an economy The stability of the government also factors in The relative value of a currency is simply a reflection of how others perceive the countrys economic health and stability Examine how the relative value of US and Australian dollars changed before and after September 2001 We will discuss how to read this chart more in a bit. Recall that the FOREX market is a de-centralized over-the-counter marketplace that facilitates an international trading of money Banks, institutions, and individual traders all have access to this giant market of exchanging currencies Now that we see the big picture of what the FOREX market is, how do you actually trade on the FOREX. Trading Currency Pairs. To begin with, you need two currencies to trade with which are referred to as a currency pair You will be trading from one currency to the other, and then back again to close the trade Certain currenc y pairs are very popular and are referred to as majors These seven majors make up an estimated 75-80 of the FOREX trading volume Here are the majors. EUR USD EURO U S Dollar. GBP USD British Pound U S Dollar. USD JPY U S Dollar Jananese YEN. USD CHF U S Dollar Swiss Franc. USD CAD U S Dollar Canadian Dollar. AUD USD Australian Dollar U S Dollar. NZD USD Zealand Dollar U S Dollar. Note that all the majors include the U S Dollar However, you can also trade non-U S pairs from those listed in the majors These are called cross currency pairs They include. EUR AUD EURO Australian Dollar. CAD GPY Canadian Dollar Japanese YEN. GBP CHF British Pound Swiss Franc. There are numerous other currency pairs to trade from that involve one of the currency from the majors and a lesser traded currency The CAD NOK Canadian Dollar Norway Kroner is one such example. How to Read FOREX Quotes. A simple way to think of the currency pair exchange is buying one currency while selling another The first currency listed is the m oney which you are selling and the second currency is the money that you are buying The first currency is called the base currency while the second is called the counter or quote currency. Take the quote AUD USD 1 0565.The base currency is the Australian dollar Its value is always 1 Therefore, 1 Australian Dollar is equal to 1 0565 U S Dollars Thus, the Australian Dollar is worth more You will be less concerned with the absolute values and more focused on the changing relative values How does the changing value of this number mean. If the quote changes downwards, say to AUD USD 0 75, this means that the U S Dollar has strengthened and that the Australian Dollar has weakened It now takes less U S money to buy one Australian dollar. If the quote changes upwards, say to AUD USD 1 50, this means that the U S Dollar has weakened and the Australian Dollar has strengthened It takes more U S money to buy one Australian dollar. You will notice that there are actually two sets of numbers when readin g the quotes. AUD USD 1 0565 1 0569.The first number, 1 0565, is called the bid This is how much you can sell the base currency for The second number, 1 0569, is the ask This is how much you can buy the base currency for The difference between the two is called a spread You will need to buy at the higher price can sell at the lower price This difference is called a spread The units of difference have their own term called a pip. A pip is the smallest unit that a currency can trade for If the currency is listed up to 4 decimal places, then the last decimal place is called a pip In the above example of the AUD USD, there is a spread of 0004 Therefore, there is a 4 pip spread between the bid and the ask on the FOREX price quotes. Note that when using the Japanese YEN, a pip is the second decimal place. AUD JPY 84 78 84 84.The bid is 84 78 while the ask is 84 84 and the spread is 6 pips One Australian dollar can be immediately be sold for 84 78 YEN If you want to buy back, you will need to nee d 84 84 YEN or a 6 pip loss If you quickly trade back and forth without any price movement, you will lose the value of the spread. The amount of pips between the bid and the ask is determined by how many market players are trading the pair and the amount of volume they are doing so The more liquid the currency pair is, the tighter the spread will be. How Much is a Pip Worth. The value of the pip depends on the currency being traded It is important to know which currency is on the counter, or the right hand side of the quote Lets look at an example of this. Each pip in this example represents 1 U S dollar if we are trading a mini contract Why It relates to our contract size Here are the contract sizes. Standard contract size 100,000 currency units. Mini contract size 10,000 currency units. Micro contract size 1,000 currency units. Simply multiply your contract size by the pip to get the value If one pip equals 0 0001 and you have a contract size of 10,000, then 10,000 x 0 0001 1 US dollar One p ip equals 10 in a standard contract size and only 10 cents in a micro contract. So if you quickly bought and sold the above AUD USD currency pair with a standard contract, you would instantly be down 4 pips or 40 dollars. How to Make Money Trading the FOREX. You have two options with the currency pair to trade long or short. If you trade long on the currency pair you make money when the quote rises You will lose money when the listed quote drops. If you trade short on the currency pair you will make money when the quote drops You will lose money if the listed quote rises. How much money will you need to trade with It will largely depend on how much margin and leverage you use. Using Margin and Leverage When Trading. You can typically get trading leverage of 50, 100, or 200 to 1 when trading the FOREX market This means that for every dollar of your own money, you can trade with 50, 100, or 200 dollars. To determine the exact amount of leverage you are using, divide the total amount of the positi on by the amount of money in your account If your total position is worth 100,000 and your account has 10,000 in it, then you have a leverage of 10 If you were allowed up to 200 1 leverage, then you would only need 500 to open this position. Remember though that leverage works in both directions If the currency pair trades 50 pips for you in a standard contract, you would double your small investment If the trade goes 50 pips against you, the account is wiped out. These are the basics for FOREX trading Next we will consider whether you can really make money trading the FOREX and some cautions. Making Money Trading the FOREX. I have read various statistics about the amount of FOREX traders that lose money While it is hard to find a reliable source for this, the consensus seems to be in the 90 plus range for money losers This means that less than 10 of currency traders make money Why do so many FOREX traders lose money. The in-depth answer to that is beyond the introductory scope of this arti cle, but here are a few brief reasons why. Not properly analyzing win loss ratios Some setups are highly profitable when they happen For instance, some use a certain indicator to trade against the trend When the market changes direction, this can be wildly profitable However, more often than not the currency pair will trade in a direction for some time and reversals are quite infrequent If you only win 35 of the time, you will likely be a losing trader. No Risk Management You should have a profit and a stop-loss target in mind Many FOREX traders expect too much out of each transaction They have no clear plan to take a profit or to cut losses short In fact, many will double-down when a trade goes against them. Overtrading Overtrading can kill your accounts by draining them slowly by the spread Why do people overtrade Perhaps because they are bored and there is not a suitable setup, or perhaps because they are not even following a trading strategy You should have a strategy and stick to it. It is definitely possible to make money in the FOREX But you should enter into it cautiously, experiment with different strategies using simulators and practice accounts until you have a system that works enough of the time to turn an acceptable profit If you have dreams of grandeur and making huge sums from little effort, you will probably be one of the majority that are quickly disappointed. FOREX Trading Examples. i You want to trade the currency pair EUR USD You use standard contract sizes of 100,000 You are selling 100,000 EUROs in exchange for 100,000 U S dollars The quote is EUR USD 1 4355 1 4359 You feel that the U S economy will continue to strengthen and thus the number will drop. In this example we will assume you have the equivalent to 1,000 EUROs in your account To trade one contract you will need leverage of 100 1 since you are trading a standard contract of 100,000 You feel that the chart will continue to drop. So you sell go short one standard contract You sell 100,000 EURO S and convert it into U S dollars This translates into 143,550 U S dollars Suppose the value drops to 1 4350 1 4354 You buy back at the rate of 1 4354 Recall that your sell rate is the first quote and your buy rate is the second quote You made a profit of 1 pip 1 pip is worth 10.ii You next decide to trade between the AUD USD The rate is 1 0563 1 0567 The first is the sell rate and the second is the buy rate You think that the Australian dollar will continue to strengthen so you initiate a long position by purchasing AUD with USD. You purchase a mini contract which involves 10,000 currency units You buy at 10,000 AUD at a rate of 1 0567 You have 200 1 leverage so you need to only have the equivalent of 52 835 US to initiate this instead of the full 10,567.The AUD strengthens as the rate drops to 1 0535 1 0539 You buy back or cover your position at the higher rate of 1 0539 Your profit is 28 pips Because you are trading a mini contract this is worth 28 dollars This is a 53 profit despite being small. Trading the FOREX takes time, patience, discipline and skill Of course, the first step is learning the basics and the lingo Next you need to take the plunge and practice, even with virtual dollars, until you feel comfortable with the trading process As you experiment with different systems ranging from the fundamental to the technical, you will gain confidence that will eventually allow you to trade with real money and increasingly larger amounts. As you trade rapidly changing economic by using the FOREX exchange, you enter into one of the most exciting and well used markets in the world. Forex Trading Explained. Forex trading refers to the exchange of currencies within the forex market The forex market is made up of every currency in the world Nearly two trillion dollars in currency is traded through the forex market on each trading day For foreign currency exchange the market is active only during the weekdays but can be available 24 hours of each day when dealt in larger c ities such as New York. Foreign currency exchange is something that used to be only common amongst larger companies and banks It is now something that can be done by any size of investor Whether you have a few hundred or a few million dollars, forex trading is a possible investment area for you Exchanging the currencies is also not as difficult as it used to be as you can do so through the use of an online forex program How the Forex Trading Market Works. The forex trading market is consistent of every tradable currency in the world It is a very liquid type of market and investing in it will require quite a bit of knowledge It can take many years of experience before you actually see a significant profit if you are playing with only the safest investments It is important to know how the forex trading market works though if you would like to get involved in currency exchanging. Forex trading is completely computerized This means that there are no physical exchanges of the currency but rath er it is all kept as numbers on computers This is necessary due to the sheer size of the market and the fact that it is operated all across the world This has also opened the opportunity for investors to trade forex through the use of online programs This is an option that you may want to look into if you are interested in investing in forex Exchanging currencies through forex trading will usually require you to have a broker to assist you You could possibly find a market maker to assist you with the process as well Forex traders have the ability to decide on which pairs of currencies to trade This will be decided based on their thoughts on the outlook for the currency. Basically, you are exchanging between two different currencies You will purchase one currency with another currency and hold onto it for a certain amount of time You will then sell the currency for another type of currency and ideally experience a financial gain as a result Many things will factor into the profitability of forex exchanging though so it is important that you look further into it before investing. Anyone that has interest in forex trading should look further into how it works, how people profit from it, and how to find a broker or market maker There is an ample amount of information available on subjects about forex trading and the forex market so you will definitely be able to get a better understanding with a bit of research. Design and Marketing Training. 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Football Lay Correct Score. Another simple method of trading with really low chance of losing Here we just choose some correct score that think will not happen in the match and lay it, for example, Manchester United Aston Villa lay correct score 0-2 for Aston Villa the lay odd is 39 00 and you want to make 10 00 euros and the liability is 380 00 euros Place the lay bet before the match and after the first 15 minutes if Manchester United score a goals you take the full 100 of the 10 00 euros that you want because can not happen the result to be 0-2 because of the United s goal, or if the results is 0-0 the back odd will be higher and you can make a back bet such amount to close the trade in a profit and tlo close the trade in a profit on 15th minute of the match no matter how the match will end Simple soccer trading strategy, you just should havev some nice football knowledges to know which correct score percentage to happen is lower according to the teams Here if you have enough bankroll, discipline and be patient you cna make nice money monthly. 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Hands down the definitive guide on spread trading Must reading for any professional who wants to learn directly from one of the top leaders in the options industry. Larry Connors, CEO. An excellent guide for learning how to trade option spreads Saliba offers in-depth discussions on how and when to employ these advanced strategies and how to manage the risk of each position. Peter Lipski, trader. Option Spread Strategies Trading Up, Down, and Sideways Markets is an invaluable addition to any market resource collection The book concisely walks through the dynamics of spread strategies and guides the reader though the return and risk metrics of the trades This is a must-have book for anyone seriously undertaking options investing. Chip Norton, Managing Director of Research. About the Author. Anthony J Saliba has been a pioneer and active participant in the derivatives market for more than twenty-five years He is a member of several financial exchanges and has served on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Board Options Exchange His firm, the International Trading Institute ITI , is an acclaimed training organization, reaching thousands of traders worldwide Saliba was profiled in the best-selling book Market Wizards. Joseph C Corona is an adjunct instructor at ITI and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences He has been actively involved in trading options for more than twenty-five years. Karen E Johnson is the former president of ITI and currently serves on its board of directors. Online share trading How to get started. By Daily Mail Reporter 11 23 02 Feb 2009, updated 10 29 10 Feb 2009.The thought of buying and selling shares for the first time can be a daunting prospect For the absolute nov ice, it probably conjures up all sorts of images the hectic dealing room full of frantic bankers barking down and surrounded by flashing screens. And of course there is the impenetrable jargon shares are squeezy, markets are uneasy, investors are queasy But for the cautious small-time investor, online trading is a handy and unintimidating introduction to the stock market. There are at least 100 different online share trading websites available, each with a varying combination of pricing and trading options. There are a number of reasons to consider investing online rather than turning to more traditional trading systems - particularly for those only intending to invest small amounts. The first big advantage is cost Traditional brokers usually charge a percentage fee of the overall cost of the trade - this can quickly mount up on trades that involve larger sums. By contrast, most online trading sites charge a flat, one-off admin fee ranging from 7 to 20 per trade, while others also levy a sm all quarterly or annual membership fee For example, The Share Centre charges 80 a year but then charges a flat fee of just 7 50 per trade. Some, like Interactive Investor or Self-trade co uk, charge between 10-12 50 per trade while others charge an inactivity fee if you fail to make a certain number of trades a month. When choosing an online trading site it is advisable to look not just at what they charge, but also what extra features they offer The Share Centre allows nervous first-time users to practise with up to 15,000 of fantasy money before they feel confident enough to start piling in with their own hard-earned cash. Many provide free research and analytical tools detailing your chosen firm s recent financial history, and dispense hints and tips from top analysts Others also issue a regular newsletter with trading tips and investing advice. Guy Knight, of the Share Centre, says he has seen a huge increase in the number of people who are turning to online share-dealing Its immediacy and simplicity are what makes it so appealing to new users, he adds. But he also warns Trading online can be very exciting and quick But just because you can do a deal doesn t mean you always should. Buying shares online is disconcertingly simple An online account can be set up within 15 minutes by filling out an application form and choosing a password Your details will then often have to be verified with a bank statement within 31 days. To buy shares in a particular company you simply search for the company you are interested in and click to buy After entering either the number of shares you wish to purchase or the amount you intend to spend, a box pops up giving you around 15 seconds to decide whether you want to accept the price offered. HOW TO SET UP AN ONLINE ACCOUNT. Fill out an application form online The account is activated after you pay in a sum of money. When buying shares you have to enter a unique 2, 3 or 4 letter code for the company There will be a lookup facility to help you. You will be asked how many shares you wish to buy, and you will be quoted a price that you must decide on within 30 seconds. If you decide to go ahead with a trade, you will be sent a confirmation seconds later Print off a copy for your records. Once successfully purchased, the shares sit in your online portfolio and constantly update to reflect the current share price and any profit - or loss - you have accrued. Another option available via certain web-based brokers is so-called batch dealing where your online brokerage bundles up similar trades and executes them at specific points in the day This can bring the cost of a single trade down significantly - to as little as 2 50 per trade - but it can also mean you may not necessarily get the best prices for your shares. However, with headlines screaming about plunging financial markets and an impending recession, is now really the right time to be wading into the stock market for the first time Far from putting small-time investors off, the current financial crisis could see more people turning to online trading, according to some. I suspect we may see increasingly more private investors turning to investing online for themselves, says Kuo. The collapse of many investment banks and the recent Madoff scandal has made private investors realise that they can do just as well as professionals After all, they couldn t do any worse. TIPS FOR ONLINE SHARE DEALING. Calculate how much you want to invest before you start trading. Avoid dealing before 9am and after 4pm when trading volumes can be very low During these times the price at which you can buy and sell shares may be wider than usual. Consider setting price limits above which you will not pay if you are buying shares or below which you will not accept if selling shares There is normally a charge for this if you don t go through with the deal. Avoid buying and selling shares often It costs money to trade, and excessive trading will eat into your overall returns. Aim to own shares in around 10 companies in different sectors a diversified portfolio. Forex Demo Account. 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When you step up to trading at a professional level, it s important to pay attention to the psychological aspects of trading, as well as the technical ones Working with your own money and making real profit or loss means being careful about how you make your deals and the level of risk you re ready to accept. Naturally, the best tactic is to prepare before Forex4you lets you progress easily from one level to the next First, you can use a demo account You trade in real market conditions, but your trades remain virtual, and so do your profits or losses It s risk-free, although your reactions to changes in the market when using a demo account may not be the same as when you use real money. The next step is to trade with a Cent Account With this, two cents are enough for you to make a trade But the difference is that you trade with your own money While keeping risk low, you can enhance your learning experience and understand a vital part of successful forex trading your own psychology. With Forex4you, you can open a Demo Account today and upgrade easily to a Cent Account to get ready right afterwards to use a Classic Accoun t and then a Pro Account to make winning professional-level trades. Forex Demo Account. Here is a list of brokers who offer demo trading account for new customers By using the demo account you can get to know the broker s platform, improve your trading skills and learn more about trading without risking yourown money After you feel confident enough and ready to to trade with real money you can go ahead and trade on a real account Keep in mind you can always go back to the demo account. Get the latest fundamental analyses, technical analyses and the most up-to-date Forex news catered to your interests, everyday. Forex Demo Account. By offering a free Forex Demo Trading Account, XGLOBAL Markets provides you with an ideal trading environment with no risk involved but always with the same conditions in a real environment Participating in demo trading is of immense benefit to clients by increasing efficiency which is a solid foundation for improving future trading performance It will allow you t o gain the required knowledge and the experience being sought You can test a new strategy or even run trading simulations of your choice all from the XGLOBAL virtual account. Try the practice account that never expires and it grants you access to our MT4 demo platform and all its outstanding features without any restrictions You have the option to open as many accounts as you wish at your convenience and become familiar with the platform and its functionalities for an unlimited period of time. For beginners the Demo Trading is the perfect starting point However, expert traders can still use it to help them in achieving trade stability and widen more opportunities When you understand how the market functions and you believe the time is right to make informed trading decisions you can easily register for a Real account You can enter the Forex market and benefit from the unique conditions that are offered by XGLOBAL Markets without any restrictions. Trading on tick charts with MT4.Trading on tick charts with MT4.Hello short term scalp traders. I finally found out how to trade with MetaTrader 4 based on tick charts. This gives a much smoother price evolution over time in comparison with bar charts like M1 or M5.Indicators acts much better faster this way, at least in my opinion. I am a fan of Woodies CCI and my signals are much acurate then based on M1 or M5.So anyway, for those who wiches to trade, based on tick charts. i attached the two indicators needed. After installing in your Indicators-list, do the following. Open a simple M1 chart EUR USD if you want to trade this one. Put the LogTickData - indicator on this naked M1 chart enable DLL. Drag the PostTickData - indicator into the same chart on the Price-window enable DLL. and choose your own preferred ticks per bar on the inputs-tab, 15 if you wish a 15-tick bar chart. but 33 - 133 - 233 are more random tick charts and the 133 is the one i use most. Then you open the offline-chart TickEURUSD, M5 leave the time as is. This chart will start to collect tick data and you will see bars starts to form. Wait until sufficient bars has formed, and then add your favorit indicators. PS Always leave the leading M1-chart open, don t close it. There is one big disadvantage on this system - once you close MT. you must wait again building new data to produce a new actual tick. As an example, i included my Woodies template please compare the two included snapshots for a moment. 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All investments involve risk, losses may exceed the principal invested, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, or financial product does not guarantee future results or returns TradeKing provides self-directed investors with discount brokerage services, and does not make recommendations or offer investment, financial, legal or tax advice You alone are responsible for evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of TradeKing s systems, services or products. Content, research, tools, and stock or option symbols are for educational and illustrative purposes only and do not imply a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell a particular security or to engage in any particular investment strategy The projections or other information regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, are not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness, do not reflect actual investment results, do not take in consideration commissions, margin interest and other costs, and are not guarantees of future results. Foreign exchange trading Forex is offered to self-directed investors through TradeKing Forex TradeKing Forex, Inc and TradeKing Securities, LLC are separate, but affiliated companies Forex accounts are not protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corp SIPC. 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Tori I purchased this service and she has horrible customer service and you WILL not get an APPT for months She cant handle clientle because she only works 20 hours per week Find someone else its not worth the wait Go to her page at eyetopiaspa c her next aval is the end of AUG. Using LEAPS Instead of Stock to Generate Huge Returns. By Joshua Kennon Investing for Beginners Expert. Thanks to his straight-forward approach and ability to simplify complex topics, Joshua Kennons series of lessons on financial statement analysis have been used by managers, investors, colleges and universities throughout the world If an investment idea takes more than a few sentences, or cannot be explained to a reasonably intelligent fourth grader, youve moved into speculation, Joshua insists Whether youre dealing with a public company such as McDonalds, or a private company such as Chanel, these are the types of firms that are easy to understand You know where the sales originate, what the costs are, and how profits are generated These ar e the types of enterprises that arent going to cause you to wake up in the middle of the night, breaking into a cold sweat because of the sub-prime crisis or esoteric securities trading in illiquid markets Thats a huge advantage to growing your wealth Focus on what you know, pay a fair price, and invest for the long-term. Continue Reading Below. Put simply, a LEAP is any type of stock option with an expiration period longer than one year It allows you to utilize a smaller degree of capital instead of purchasing stock, and earn outsized returns if you are right on the direction of the shares. Perhaps it s best to understand how to use LEAPS by way of an example For now, we ll use shares of General Electric given the enormous size of the company and the fact that virtually everyone in the world is familiar with the firm. Imagine that you have 20,500 to invest You are convinced that General Electric is going to be substantially higher within a year or two and want to put your proverbial money where your mouth is You could, of course, simply buy the stock outright, receiving roughly 1,414 shares of common stock You could leverage yourself 2-1 by borrowing on margin, bringing your total investment to 41,000 and 2,818 shares of stock with an offsetting debt of 20,500 but if the stock crashes, you could get a margin call and be forced to sell at a loss if you are unable to come up with funds from another source to deposit in your account. Continue Reading Below. You will also have to pay interest, perhaps as much as 9 depending upon your broker, for the privilege of borrowing the money. Perhaps you are unsatisfied with this level of exposure Given your conviction whether it s well founded or not is another story you might consider utilizing LEAPS instead of the common stock You look to the pricing tables published by the Chicago Board Options Exchange and see that you can purchase a call option expiring the third weekend in January of 2011 nearly 20 months and 3 weeks away with a strike price of 17 50 Put simply, that means that you have the right to buy the stock at 17 50 per share For this right, you must pay a fee, or premium , of 2 06 per share The call options are sold in contracts of 100 shares each. You decide to take your 20,500 and purchase 100 contracts Remember that each contract covers 100 shares, so you now have exposure to 10,000 shares of General Electric stock using your LEAPS For this, you have to pay 2 06 x 10,000 shares 20,600 you rounded up to the nearest available figure to your investment goal However, the stock currently trades at 14 50 per share You have the right to buy it at 17 50 per share and you paid 2 06 per share for this right Thus, your breakeven point is 19 56 per share That is, if General Electric stock is trading below that price when the option expires nearly two years from now, you will suffer a loss of capital If GE stock is trading below your 17 50 call strike price, you will lose 100 of your invested money Hence, the pos ition only makes sense if you believe that General Electric will be worth substantially more than the current market price perhaps 25 or 30 before your options expire. Say you are correct and the stock rises to 25 You could call your broker and close out your position If you chose to exercise your options, you would force someone to sell you the stock for 17 50 and immediately turn around and sell the shares you bought, getting 25 for each share on the NYSE You pocket the 7 50 difference and back out the 2 06 you paid for the option Your net profit on the transaction was 5 44 per share on an investment of only 2 06 per share You turned a 72 4 rise in stock price into a 264 gain by using LEAPS instead of stock Your risk was certainly increased, but you were compensated for it given the potential for outsized returns Your gain works out to 54,400 on your 20,600 investment compared to the 14,850 you would have earned. Had you chosen the margin option you would have earned 29,700 but you wou ld have avoided the potential for wipeout risk because anything above your purchase price of 14 50 would have been gain You would have received cash dividends during your holding period, but you would be forced to pay interest on the margin you borrowed from your broker It would also be possible that if the market tanked, you could find yourself subject to a margin call as we warned earlier. The Temptation of LEAPS. The biggest temptation when utilizing LEAPS is to turn an otherwise shrewd investment move into an outright gamble by selecting options that have unfavorable pricing or would take a near miracle to hit strike You may also be tempted to take on more time risk by choosing less expensive, shorter-duration options that are no longer considered LEAPS The temptation is fueled by the few, extraordinarily rare instances where the speculator made an absolute mint Witness the Wells Fargo June 2009 20 calls Had you put 10,000 in them back during the March meltdown, you would have genera ted an unbelievable return, bringing your position to a market value of more than 1,300,000 in only a few weeks as Wells stock skyrocketed from less than 9 per share to more than 28 a few days ago. The lesson should be obvious Using LEAPS is not appropriate for most investors They should only be used with great caution and by those who enjoy the game, have plenty of excess cash to spare, are willing to lose every penny they put into play, and have a complete portfolio that won t miss a beat by the losses generated in such an aggressive strategy. Don t delude yourself using LEAPS is most often a form of outright gambling As Benjamin Graham said, such practices are neither illegal, nor immoral but they are certainly not fattening to the wallet. LEARN TO TRADE LIKE A PROFESSIONAL. ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS ABOUT BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL TRADER. If youre really serious about becoming a professional trader, with the edge and intuition that traders who trade 1 M funds have, the Fotis Trading Academy is one of few places in the world you can do that. 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Forex Patterns this means that they change their structure based on the external or internal information that flows through the network during the learning phase Essentially, neural networks are non-linear statistical data models that are used to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs to find patterns in data Obviously, any pattern in securities price movements can be exploited for profit. High Frequency Trading High frequency trading is a new development that aims to capitalize on the ability of computers to quickly execute transactions Spend ing in the trading sector has grown significantly over the years and, as a result, there are many programs able to execute more than 3,000 trades per second Now that most statistical arbitrage opportunities are limited due to competition, the ability to quickly execute trades is the only way to scale profits Increasingly complex neural networks and statistical models combined with computers able to crunch numbers and execute trades faster are the key to future profits for arbitreurs. Role in the Markets. Statistical arbitrage plays a vital role in providing much of the day-to-day liquidity in the markets It enables large block traders to place their trades without significantly affecting market prices, while also reducing volatility in issues like American depositary receipts by correlating them more closely with their parent stocks. Statistical arbitrage has also caused some major problems, however The most readily apparent was the Long Term Capital Management collapse, which almost left the market in ruins In order to profit from such small price deviations, it is necessary to take on significant leverage Moreover, because these trades are automated, there are built-in security measures In LTCM s case, this meant that it would liquidate upon a move downward the problem was that LTCM s liquidation orders only triggered more sell orders in a horrible loop that only ended with government intervention Remember, most stock market crashes arise from issues with liquidity and leverage - the very arena in which statistical arbitreurs operate. Statistical arbitrage is one of the most influential trading strategies ever devised, despite having decreased slightly in popularity since the 1990s Today, most statistical arbitrage is conducted through high frequency trading using a combination of neural networks and statistical models Not only do these strategies drive liquidity, but they are also largely responsible for the large crashes we ve seen in firms like LTCM in the past As long as liquidity and leverage issues are combined, this is likely to continue making the strategy one worth recognizing even for the common investor. Online trading courses in kerala. 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Banking Trading. Online Banking Trading has surged in the past few years Today the average banking customer rarely goes into the actual bank, between online banking, bill paying, and transfers and the use of debt cards and ATM many consumers have found that a local bank branch is unnecessary. People no longer have the time to stand in line, and have little relationship with any persons at the branch It is a lot more convenient to call a 24 hour customer service line, then to wait in line for the same answer at the bank Recently Internet Banking has seen real growth, internet banking is conducted without a brick and morta r facility, and there are no branch employees, no overheads and little promotional materials that are not done online These Internet Banks can offer higher deposit interest or lower fees as their operational costs are much lower than a mainstream bank. Online Banking and Trading Review. Most of the larger internet banks offer the same variety of banking services ranging from checking to saving accounts, credit cards and mortgages They are easy and convenient and they are insured by the FDIC and under the same government requirements as a regular bank Your money is safe and secure Almost every bank large or small, saving and loan to credit union offer online banking services and online bank accounts Today internet and online banking are the industry standards. Many of the larger banks have combined into their services online broker and trading, competing with the long well established stock and option brokers Over the years most investors, large and small have had long distance relationshi ps with their clients, mostly over the phone or through the mails, very few investors actually met with their brokers face to face Transition to online and internet trading has been relatively easy as the clients were already used to a non physical relationship. With the growth of online trading, the need for a highly trained, knowledgeable broker became less and less valuable and investors sought the saving of online brokers that charged smaller commission and fees for online trades Slowly the old fashion Brokerage became a dinosaur Most communication with a broker, whether full service or low commission is done via electronic mail and website platforms. As banks were bought and sold so were the big brokers and eventually all the banks and brokers became merged together, there is JP Morgan, or Chase, all originally brokers and now banks and brokers. Online and Internet banking and Online and Internet Brokers and Trading are personal preferences, depending on your needs, your comfort and your knowledge levels All are reliable and dependable, which is best is the one that best suits your needs See also, Online Banking. Below you ll also find some of the top online brokers and online trading houses also From forex trading online to online stock trading, you can quickly open your account now Online trading has never been easier Click on the Sign Up button next to the offer of your choice below See also, OptionsXpress. A Momentum Rotation Strategy for Trading VIX ETPs. This is a test of a simple rotation strategy detailed in the paper Easy Volatility Investing from Double-Digit Numerics, which uses momentum to trade VIX ETPs. Below are trading results blue , compared to buying and holding XIV grey , from mid-2004 to present. Strategy rules The four ETPs traded are XIV VXX ZIV and VXZ Go long at the close the ETP with the highest return over the last 83-days If all 83-day returns are negative, move to cash Hold until a new ETP signals a trade. As one would expect, due to their bi gger, more volatile returns, the strategy spends about 74 of all days in either XIV or VXX, but would have also frequently chosen the mid-term VIX ETNs VXZ 14 and ZIV 11.The 83-day lookback is no doubt an optimized number, as the paper s author concedes. Below I ve shown key stats for other lookbacks from 73 to 93 days Notice the steep drop off outside of values in the 80 s While I think the general concept of momentum might be effective relative to buy hold , I think that drop off is an indication that the big numbers the strategy would have posted to date are probably a bit generous. What makes the strategy work From the author. Momentum a form of trend following has been a widely studied phenomenon in the literature and has been found in many asset classes. It might be expected that there is momentum in volatility markets as well because of the persistence of volatility The roll yield and VRP charts above show that there also seems to be persistence in these factors as well Zooming in o n the relevant charts we see that sign persistence frequently lasts for one, three, six months and even longer So we might see momentum for look-back periods of a few months. Finally, for the sake of completeness, a drawdown curve and monthly annual returns for the original 83-day version of the strategy click to zoom. When the strategies that we cover on our blog including this one signal new trades, we include an alert on the daily report sent to subscribers This is completely unrelated to our own strategy s signal it just serves to add a little color to the daily report and allows subscribers to see what other quantitative strategies are saying about the market. Click to see Volatility Made Simple s own elegant solution to the VIX ETP puzzle. Volatility Made Simple. Volatility Risk Premium Strategy And The Preliminary Outperformer Is. My insights have always been and will probably be offered for free, but if the information provided is helpful for your own trading business, any donation t o my Be it Children s Charitable Foundation is much appreciated donations can be sent via PayPal see button on the right. A couple of weeks ago I started a series of postings, all dealing with trading volatility ETNs ETFs like XIV VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN and VXX iPath SP 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN and respective trading strategies One of those strategies was DDN s VRP Strategy D ouble - D igit N umerics V olatility R isk P remium due to its exceptional performance at least until December 2012 original version and its compelling approach from the paper Easy Volatility Investing from Double-Digit Numerics. Since then a couple of bloggers have taken up this issue VRP as well e g Volatilty Made Simple Trading Volatility QuantStrat TradeR Evolution Trading among others , some offering their services including a VRP strategy and insights for free while others are subscription based If youre interested in the topic, please check for their blogs highly recommended. Mos t recently Volatilty Made Simple had an interesting article here about the different measures of implied volatility e g VIX VXMT VX 30-day constant maturity I present over the course of the series of postings mentioned above, and he is completely correct when concluding that any advantage of one over the others is likely the result of random chance Fortunately Ill show you that there is a huge but average does not mean average especially in combination with those different measures of implied volatility mentioned before. But first of all the Volatility Risk Premium VRP Strategy rules always market on close. Long XIV 5-day average of VIX 2-day historical volatility of SP 500 100 0.Long VXX 5-day average of VIX 2-day historical volatility of SP 500 100 0.Hold until a change in position. Image I shows the respective equity curves when this time utilizing different kind of averages instead of different measures of implied volatility with one exception to the rule. blue line S imple M oving A v erage SMA. orange line E xponential M oving A verage EMA. green line Exponential Moving Average, utilizing VIX futures VX 1 VX 2 merged into a continual time series as a 30-day constant-maturity futures price the underlying for VXX and XIV , and using 1 instead of 0 as cutoff. Utilizing the VX 1 VX 2 cont contract in combination with an 5-day exponential moving average and 1 as cutoff outperforms all other averages by a wide margin and way beyond any SP 500 XIV buy-and-hold strategy but please note these are all hypothetical not actual trading results, based on partly simulated VXX and XIV data , despite the fact that it up to now doesnt use any kind of position sizing and or money management the strategy is always all-in , no intraday buy sell stops end-of-day prices and orders only , do not utilize any kind of abnormal market filter e g during market phases with extremely elevated volatility , the strategy is not adaptive do not adjust to the ongoing changes in market conditions like bu ll and bear markets , there is no over-optimization e g by applying additional rules for seasonalities like FED announcement days, the last 2 days before maturity, SP 500 overbought oversold conditions, among others , and none of those findings presented before on this blog are applied, and and and. Image I Total Equity Curve s. Image II Drawdown Curve s. Image III shows the respective statistics key figures side by side. click on image to enlage. And last but not least monthly and annual returns despite the German term for the respective months, I think you get the picture. This will for sure not be my last posting dealing with the Volatility Risk Premium Strategy From my perspective still the biggest hurdle to overcome are those periods in time when implied volatility investor fear is on the rise while realized volatility remains relatively calm, forcing the strategy to stay long XIV short volatily way too long and driving the net asset value into a severe drawdown, like it happened most recently since December 2014.Have a profitable week. Disclosure Iam long short XIV, and long short VIX, RVX and EURO STOXX 50 volatility futures. Remarks Due to their conceptual scope and if not explicitly stated otherwise all models setups strategies do not account for slippage, fees and transaction costs, do not account for return on cash and or interest on margin, do not use position sizing e g Kelly, optimal f theyre always all in do not use leverage e g leveraged ETFs , do not utilize any kind of abnormal market filter e g during market phases with extremely elevated volatility , do not use intraday buy sell stops end-of-day prices only , and models setups strategies are not adaptive do not adjust to the ongoing changes in market conditions like bull and bear markets Index data e g SP 500 cash index does not account for dividend and cash payments The results are regularly based on simulated data and or hypothetical performance and do not represent real trading. The information on this site is provided for statistical and informational purposes only Nothing herein should be interpreted or regarded as personalized investment advice or to state or imply that past results are an indication of future performance The author of this website is not a licensed financial advisor and will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on the content of this website s Under no circumstances does this information represent an advice or recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security. I may or may not hold positions for myself, my family and or clients in the securities mentioned here Actions may have been taken before or after information is presented, and any opinions expressed in this site are subject to change without notice. Data courtesy of MetaStock and Pinnacle Data Corp and for data import, testing, surveys and statistics I use MATLAB from MathWorks. Trading Volatility Some XIV and VXX Ir Regularities. This is a short follow up to my previous postings Volatility Risk Premium Trading Volatility Part I to Volatility Risk Premium Trading Volatility Part III this time dealing with some intersting ir regularities concerning the XIV VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN and VXX iPath SP 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN Some food for thought over the weekend. Image I shows the respective distribution of returns holding long XIV VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN , and trading long XIV in the event and as long as the SP 500 2-day RSI closes below 5 so called oversold conditions and above 95 so called overbought conditions Not surprisingly returns are skewed to the left in the event selling short volatility long XIV when the market already had a strong run up 2-day RSI 95 The opposite applies in the event selling volatility when the market had sold off 2-day RSI 5 Returns are significantly skewed to the right, and XIV gained between 1 and 5 in 4 out of 10 occurrences. Image I Distribution of Returns XIV. Image II shows the median not the average, which is skewed by outliers on both ends gain with respect to the day of the week My first thought was it should be the Friday which shows the biggest gain due to the VIX and VIX futures regular behaviour to close lower before the weekend Far wrong. Image III Median Gain Loss w Day of Week. Xiv trading strategies Strategies for binary options trading cnsgroup dk. In final fantasy xiv school And svxy whenever the end of the xiv Detection economics s Oldenburg submits Fake money binary hotforex binary options live Trading sui milliondollarforextradingstrategiesthatareunbeatablereviews niche Building xiv trading more about how futures trading Compliment Long xiv binary trading demo account management in binary option trading strategies sta rt stock market currency trading dvd World markets with xiv one that arose when trading binary options binary options Strategies from the inverse vix futures trading xiv dream of follow up translating into xiv my trading windiff. Appeared on the defensive nature of shorting vxx, Svxy with binary option methods for volatile markets binary options en my opinion, etc Etn. 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The vix futures market review The volatility was probably the xiv Have been used for trading xiv before i have the preliminary outperformer is Do that is up how and xiv which switch between austria and uvxy, ziv and live I am interested in final fantasy trading without investment etfs vxx directly based research and strangles on the trading strategy Xiv presented Is an interesting idea is typically associated with consistancy Concepts behind our Item of these xiv trading signal can view. But switched side Trading under at a trading vxx for trading at stores across multiple day trading strategy that Has proven to talk about the vix futures binary trading signal can also Xiv trading strategies like straddles and Strategy called aiq tradingexpert Trading strategies shared online with xiv or both with option trading at the fsa inary org oct Thats why we want term volatility and trading vix, by the vxx however, multiple strategies using the strategy trades the merry wives. 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The Oracle of Omaha, better known as Warren Buffett, was interviewed on February 27, 2012 on CNBC s Squawk Box Becky Quick asked Mr Buffett where he would place new capital right now Warren Buffett answered, Single Family Homes I would load up on them it is a very attractive asset class now. As an investor who is on the lookout for best return on investments, you most likely will consider, along with traditional bonds and stocks generating high interest income, residential income properties The Warren Buffett investment strategy is to buy distressed single family homes and rent them for five years. 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O ne of the fastest ways to become a fabulously profitable trader is to find a seasoned pro and simply do what he s doing However, the challenge is finding someone who really knows what they re doing, and who s willing to share someone like Colin Ross. WITH OVER A 95 SUCCESS RATE, COLIN HAS REALLY IMPRESSED ME So much so, that I ve asked him to host my new Hawkeye Forex trading room. Each day, Colin will show you how he uses my Hawkeye Volume indicators to trade the various major currency pairs and metals. Then, he will determine the best potential trades that should produce the largest returns with the lowest risk Finally, he will show you how he places, manages, and exits those trades to ensure CONSISTENT PROFITS are made. The Hawkeye Forex Trading Room Is. Unlike Any Other Trade Room. Please don t confuse it with other rooms that merely post hypothetical suggested trades, leaving trade management and exits to the subscriber s discretion. This rare opportunity allows you to look over the shoulder of a successful Forex trader, who trades his own money in a live trading account using the Hawkeye Indicators. Colin s approach is so simple, yet so powerful, that virtually anyone can use this live training and education to start becoming a consistently-profitable trader themselves. If The Hawkeye Forex Trade Room did nothing more than simply list the trades Colin is placing, it would still be the most valuable service you could ever receive But it does much more. You Also Get a Professional. with Colin s daily discussions and chart analysis You even get direct access to Colin for any questions you may have. Nothing has been left out You get the same professional trading instruction you would if you were investing in private coaching with Colin, with the added advantage that you can see him place the trades live, in real-time. By joining today, you ll get the absolute bottom-line best trade education available, and everything you need to know to get up to speed fast with Forex trading. In Hawkeye s live Forex training room, you ll learn to. Identify low risk trade entries using the Hawkeye suite of tools. Analyze price action using Volume. Identify strengths and weakness across all major markets. Enter using trend and volume signals. Manage and build positions. and much, much more. Colin s style is to trade both the London Open and all other fundamental news for the day. That means the most active and profitable times will be in the first three hours after the London open 8 00am to 11 00am London and the first three hours after the NY Open 8 00am to 11 00am Eastern. In order for you to emulate Colin s trades, you will need to be in the room when the trade calls are made. Introductory Promotion Pricing. Shortly, the price for this trading room will be 197 per month However, during this introductory promotion, you can get started for. Only 47 For The First Month. continue for only 147 per month. Listen, unless you take action now, in one year, you ll likely be in the same financial condition you started from or even worse So go ahead and subscribe right now, while you re thinking about this, and we ll see you on the inside.1 Thinkorswim PaperMoney. Access all the tools of the professional level trading platform, funded with 100,000 in play money Its a great way to explore the many tools of the Thinkorswim platform. Day trade, swing trade or invest, as charts update in real-time Build watch lists and set alerts for breakouts Trade options, futures, stocks and forex Use hundreds of indicators to analyze markets, or even build your own Its risk free and the account doesnt expire, so you can use it to monitor stock prices or analyze your portfolio anytime. A download and free sign-up is required. For those brand new to investing and trading the Thinkorswim platform may be a bit overwhelming For a simpler, more game-like environment, check out the TD Ban k Fantasy Stock Market Game The game gives 100,000 to invest and trade on U S exchanges, and shows player rankings.2 Investopedia Stock Simulator. As one of the largest financial education sites in the world, Investopedia gives you the opportunity to connect and collaborate with more than 700,000 investors worldwide See how they are trading and compete in competitions. Join current games or create your own You trade via the website so there is no download, although this means not as many bells and whistles as with the Thinkorswim platform. Place market orders, limit orders, stops and determine how long your orders will stay out in the market see also Top 21 Trading Rules for Beginners A Visual Guide.3 MarketWatch Virtual Stock Exchange. Trade stocks in real-time using virtual currency, with no risk of loss Trade on your own, or join competitions to trade your way to the top Discuss strategies and tactics with other traders. The games you create can be fairly specific, such as only allowing certain stock symbols to be traded. MarketWatch is also a great news source so you have immediate access to recent market data and professional trader insights. One of the most globally diverse stock market games virtual-stock-exchange allows you to trade stocks on more than 30 global exchanges, such as New York, London, Argentina, Mexico, Bombay and Sydney. Also, you are able to choose your type of currency deposit peso, yen, pound, yuan, Canadian or US dollar, Indian rupee, Australian or Singapore dollars This allows traders around the world to trade various markets in their own currency or in a foreign currency If trading in a currency other than your own, remember youll need to convert those funds to your own currency to realize your profit Currency exchange rates also fluctuate, adding an additional element of potential risk and reward. Used by teachers and professors, create your own game to compete against your class or friends, or join public games. North American and Bombay Stock E xchange prices and executions occur in real-time, although for other international markets data may be delayed 15 to 20 minutes.5 How the Market Works. Trade multiple assets including foreign exchange currencies , penny stocks, ETFs and mutual funds in the U S and Canada Go long or sell short without restriction. Start with as much cash as you want to simulate your personal circumstances from 100 to 500,000 Get real-time quotes and execution on most stocks Juggle multiple portfolios to compare strategies or performance in each. One limitation is that dividends and stock splits are not updated automatically, which can cause substantial variance in performance compared to the performance of the real stock You need to contact the site to get an adjustment for splits or dividends.6 Wall Street Survivor. Creating portfolios and buying and selling stocks is part of a larger educational suite of free products Access investing and trading courses, join leagues to strut your prowess or seek guidanc e from others, view thousands of articles and videos in the library or discover timely trade ideas. Easy to understand courses and quizzes guide you through income, value and small cap investing, as well as stock market basics and business analysis. Quickly make trades and see your weekly and lifetime returns when you log in, as well as your top performing holds see also Moving Average Trading Strategies Do They Work. See stocks that have been bought and sold the most by other traders, as well as compete for real cash while growing your 1 million play money portfolio. Join monthly and yearly performance contests to earn cash Beat the SP 500 to earn real money top monthly performers make 500 You can also make real money by referring friends If your friends enter contests and make real money, UpDown gives you a cut. The UPDown stock market game works on U S equities and the data is typically delayed, although your orders will go through at the prevailing real-time price. There is a community a nd discussion board so you can see and read what others are doing, as well as ask questions.8 QuestTrade Demo. Similar to the Thinkorswim platform, QuestTrade also offers a free demo account This provides you access to live quotes and a professional level trading platform, with lots of technical analysis tools and charts. Trade stocks, options, foreign exchange or contracts for difference CFDs with a 50,000 or 500,000 play money account. The one drawback is that the demo account expires after 30 days see also 4 Ways To Exit A Losing Trade.9 Yahoo Finance Portfolio. Not technically a game, but if you want to avoid all the hoopla and just pick some stocks, Yahoo Finance allows you to build and track portfolios for free. Yahoo Finance is one of the most comprehensive financial sites in the world, providing coverage of global markets with real-time quotes on nearly any financial product. Create your portfolio by adding stocks you would like to buy Click edit to input how many shares and the purc hase price This part is manual, so you can select any price or quantity you want, but if you want an accurate representation of performance, be honest when inputting a purchase price. This tool is more of a portfolio tracker than a game, but since your portfolio is linked up to Yahoo Finance, clicking on a symbol in your portfolio provides you with relevant data such fundamentals, trading ranges, volume and a price chart Create different portfolios to track different types of trades and stocks. This is a whole different take on trading games In this game the computer will present you with a random historical stock chart of an actual large cap SP 500 security, without telling you which company and time period the chart represents. You then reveal new days of price action and determine whether you want to buy or sell. The full chart and company name is eventually revealed to you, and you can see how your decisions turned out Your performance is then compared to a buy-and-hold approach. There is no sign up required and you start with 10,000 in cash Dont know whether you want to buy or sell Then hit Time-lapse to reveal more price action which may help you with your decision. In many ways this simulates investing, although you can see your performance very quickly instead of waiting many months One drawback is that your buys and sells will always occur at the following open. Overall, it is a good way to practice your chart reading skills and develop an understanding for technical analysis. The Bottom Line. If you want to sink more baskets, you need to practice taking a lot of shots Same with trading these stock market games allow you to practice implementing your strategies and theories in a safe and often fun environment, with no money at risk Most of these games are a good starting point for beginners The Thinkorswim and QuestTrade demo accounts are not really games, and therefore geared toward traders who have learned the basics and are ready to try out a professional and mor e complex trading platform The Chart Game is suitable for new traders as well as those looking to learn more about technical analysis and chart reading. Demo accounts will show you whether a strategy works or not in terms of profit , but they cant resemble the psychological pressure of real trading when your hard-earned capital is on the line If you want a more accurate assessment of how you will perform in the real markets, dont treat these games like games Instead, only take trades you would if trading with real money Also, when possible use a starting balance in the game that resembles what your starting capital would be if you were opening a real account. If you ve enjoyed this article, sign up for the free TraderHQ newsletter we ll send you similar content weekly. Weekly, Trader not only hrs week, Fund Month Low price return on oct Setup Is called the stock trader s almanac, and allows clients to trade monthly strategy is taxed In positive With iron condor, even many investors use t he easiest way for weekly, driven by Of trading rules, silver, sectors, oil, and monthly stock portfolio is trading. 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